Des Moines, Ia – On Tuesday Senator Tom Greene, R-Burlington, announced he will retire from the Iowa Senate after the end of his first term.
“These last few years in the Senate have been more productive for our state than I could have imagined,” said Senator Greene. “We passed the largest income tax cut in Iowa history, curbed regulations for businesses and reined in a rapidly increasing budget. When I got here in 2017, one of the first things we had to do was pass a de-appropriations bill, and now we have a surplus of millions of dollars. It has been an honor to serve the people of Senate District 44 and thank you for the privilege of representing you in the Iowa Senate.”
Senator Greene was born and raised in Burlington. He and his wife, Linda, have four adult children and four grandchildren.
Senator Greene is a graduate of Drake University (Class of 1973) and was a pharmacist in Burlington for over 40 years.
Senator Greene is the past president of the Burlington School Board, past chairman of the Greater Burlington Partnership, and served on the Partnership’s Legislative Affairs Committee. He also has been a member of the Burlington Noon Lions Club since 1997.