Des Moines County Public Health monitoring virus


Burlington, Ia-  With the first case of COVID-19 reported in Des Moines County, and more cases being reported each day, Des Moines County Public health is working diligently to make sure the impact of the virus is minimal.

Des Moines County Public Health Director Christa Poggemiller recommends people maintain healthy practices.

“Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time,” said Poggemiller.  “make sure your cover your cough and sneezes with your sleeve or a tissue.  And especially if you are Ill, stay home.  Even if you are mildly ill, stay home.”

While the risk of spread and panic among Iowa residents is high, Pogemiller states that DMCPH is remaining diligent, and asks residents to remain calm.

“I think we’re just monitoring to see as this continues on.  My recommendation is to make sure we don’t panic and continue to do what we can to help prevent the spread of this.”

The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Des Moines County was found in a person between the ages of 18-40, and their case is believed to be based on travel.  No other information on the individual was released.